Sirius Prototypes. Rellena el formulario para contactar con nosotros

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    Sirius Prototypes specializes in helping designers, entrepreneurs
    and companies to develop, optimize and launch your product ideas
    through new technolgies of digital manufacturing.
    Contacta con Nosotros
    "Go to Work" We conducted a feasibility study of your products or ideas
    to define strategies to optimize their development process
    Prototypes We manage, manufacture and assemble new technologies relying on rapid manufacturing and 3D printing
    devised We design and simulate your ideas using 3D CAD-CAM tools
    Product Engineering We optimize your product by selecting manufacturing processes and most suitable materials, advising you in managing your production, productive feasibility study and the estimated risks
    3D Printers Commercial and non-commercial as well as a wide range of consumables
    Labels & Machines We develop, implement and calibrate machines in the production process of your labeling

    Bringing your ideas to life


    Need a prototype or support with the initial pre-series?
    Looking for appropriate providers to be offered a good price for your product viable?


    We have a professional team in product design, engineering and rapid prototyping to convert your ideas and projects into commercial products, using the most advanced lean methodologies.

    The development of a product can be a costly, long and complex process, and in which each designer, company or entrepreneur must choose the right path to success



    Thanks to a product development cycle lean may save time and money by optimizing your product to reach the market faster.

    Services we can offer you




    Customers + Partners

    Want to be informed of the latest developments?

    • Acercando la impresión 3D a los alumnos del bachillerato tecnológico.

      Como gran apuesta de futuro y con el objetivo de acercar las nuevas tecnologías a los programas formativos, ayer concluimos con la sesión de dos charlas destinadas a la tecnología e impresión 3D como paréntesis formativo a los alumnos de bachillerato tecnológico en el IES......

    • Nos presentamos

      SIRIUS PROTOTYPES es una empresa creada con la finalidad de cubrir las necesidades de los usuarios a la hora de desarrollar productos y servicios.   Tras muchos años trabajando en el sector de la etiqueta y el desarrollo de maquinaria bajo el nombre de ‘JP......